So anyhow, I put anything that looked like there was no way in hell I could ever wear again into a bag to give away and I ended up filling up a large Babies 'R' Us bag. Tomorrow I have to leave a note to myself to bring it into work to give to someone's daughter. Yeah for recycling! And yeah for early onset memory loss! Speaking of memory loss, I found my first grey hair while getting my hair did. The aging process commences.
In the process of purging, I did a little binging. I rediscovered some items in my wardrobe which have been hidden for the last few years. After chugging my beer, I carried up my finds and planned my outfits for the next two days! It was like shopping but without getting the stink eye from my husband who does not understand that you can never have too many black shirts, black pants, shoes, etc. etc. So without further ado, I bring you the result of last night's binge and purge:
The Outfit
Black Swing Jacket: Motherhood Maternity (Again! Not! Pregnant!)
Green shirt: Banana Republic
Grey Skirt: T.J. Maxx from when I lived in Salt Lake City. So yeah, like from a wicked long time ago.
Navy Blue Tights: JC Penney
Pink Shoes: mossimo
Oh! And last night I finally got my hair did and got chunky bangs. I would show you but then there would go the whole anonymous thing and for now we are anonymous. Well, at least until someone wants to pay us big money for this gig.
Where: Work, picking up the little guy, Arby's (little guy does not get Arby's), looking at houses.
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