I feel like we've taken a million steps back into autumn today. It's foggy and cold and rainy. And I have a cold and sore throat. Short of wearing head-to-toe fleece, the next best thing for a sore throat is to wrap it in a scarf. So that's today's mode.
Also, since it's a semi-sick-day I feel the need to point out that I have no discernible waistline in this outfit. Ah well. It's basically grown-up pajamas again.
Tan cardigan: Casual Corner from eons ago
Black printed dress: hand-me-down from a friend
Black ruched leggings: Old Navy
Boots: Target
Tan scarf: bargain basement
Black leather cuff: no idea
Where: Laundry, errands, groceries, work at home, veterinarian.

I'm also throwing in a freebie outfit: this is what I wore yesterday. Not the best photo ever, or the most flattering - but I took this picture after returning from a toddler birthday party so I think my rumpledness accurately reflects my mental state. Anyhow, the reason I'm posting it: I'm wearing purple in honor of
MPS Awareness Day. If you don't know anything about this disease (I didn't before
a friend's child was diagnosed), please take a moment to learn a little bit about it! These kids need all the help they can get.
Lavender cardigan: Target
Plum v-neck t-shirt: Kohl's
Navy jeans: Lauren Conrad
Sequined flats: Keds
Beaded necklace: Kohl's
Where: Toddler birthday party with cake and pinata and subsequent sugar overload and early bedtime for all.