Saturday evening, I took my little boy to a hot air balloon festival (it was amazing; he was enthralled). Once again, he had strong feelings about what I should wear. "A fancy dress with purple polka-dots, Mama," he said. I didn't have such a thing in my closet. I asked him if this skirt would be close enough - it's pink, and sort of dotty. He didn't think so. But we agreed that I could wear this for now and he'd get me something purple and polka-dotted for my birthday next year.
White v-neck t-shirt: Kohl's
Coral print skirt: Old Navy (I shortened it, and doesn't it look better than
last time? Much less frumpy. Although I'd like it better still a little shorter.)
Coral and tan sandals: Bass
Pink and green bead necklace: Baked Beads
Yellow rubber watch: swag from my husband's old job
"Hot air balloon" in the background: my son's new favorite thing EVER
Where: Tacos and a hot-air balloon festival! Awesome evening.