For some reason the little fella woke up at 4:40 a.m. and didn't feel much like falling back asleep. On top of that, I had some GI malfunction and felt pretty much like bleck. And for an extra special cherry on top, because I'm generous that way, the significant other left for a conference for the week. So needless to say, I did not feel like dressing in anything more than glorified jammies. Oh, and for a little something special, I didn't have enough time to do my hair so I put it back in headband. I look a bit like those Irish Step Dancers with the
fake curly wigs. But hey, I'm half Irish. It comes naturally.
The Wear
Cardigan: Merona from Target
Dress: Old Navy
Shoes: xhiliration
Necklace: Superhero Jewelry
Headband: Etsy shop which is not longer available
Engagement Ring & Wedding Band
The Where:
Airport, daycare, work, ophthalmologist, work again, daycare again, home.
Okay, I just clicked on the wig link and actually LOL'ed. Well done.