Hello and welcome to Action Tuesday! Today's outfit was inspired by
Kendi's lookbook for Fossil - where she advises taking a sleeveless dress into winter by wearing it with a cardigan and vest (#21 in her
lookbook). I didn't have exactly the same elements she did - and my look is a little more rough-and-tumble - but I think this worked. I'll have to try it again with some other dresses. And the boots and leggings made wearing a dress entirely suitable for Action Tuesday.
Floral sundress (seen briefly before
here): Old Navy
Brown cardigan: Target
Brown vest: LL Bean
Brown leggings: Old Navy
Brown boots: Target
Yellow rubber watch: swag from my husband's old job
Where: Preschool dropoff, library, drycleaners, post office, blood draw, bank, home store, bottle return center, mall errand, meeting with contractor, preschool pickup, lunch with my grandmother, negotiating a small-boy-meltdown in the parking lot, shopping for Christmas decorations, gymnastics class, and home for cartoons and popcorn on the couch.
(Phew. I'm glad Action Tuesday only comes once a week.)