Today it's gorgeous but cool outside, and I had a super busy morning. So I needed to be comfortable and ready for action... and that of course means that I reached for another jersey dress. This is a new one; I love the tone-on-tone stripes. But I had to wear leggings today (it's cool, plus I was spending a good chunk of time sitting on the floor with toddlers) and I wish I'd had a lighter or tan pair of leggings to go with the dress; the brown seems a little dark. Oh well. I'm still cuter than if I'd thrown on jeans and a t-shirt, which was my first inclination!
Brown cardigan: Target
Striped jersey dress: Target
Brown leggings: Old Navy
Bronze ballet flats: Target
Multi-tone pearl beads: gift from a friend
(Seriously, people, I'm like a walking Target ad here. Only the leggings are exempt, and really they could just as easily have been from the Tarjay as well... It's kind of silly actually because there is no Target within hours of my house!)
Where: music class, furniture workshop, doctors office, burgers/fries/ice cream with my son, work at home, cookout tonight.