Raise your hand if your outfit is inspired by your long deceased somewhat eccentric Great Great Aunt Bea? I thought so. Last night I went to a fundraiser for a therapeutic horse riding center at a store which sells costume jewelry. I spent most of the time trying to balance my wine and cheese on a little tray while trying to figure out what bedazzled headband would fit which niece. I successfully found Christmas gifts for the four younger nieces. Score! And while I was there, I decided to pick up a little something for myself. And that's when I saw it. It being this pin. A bright green and pinkish pin surrounded in fake black and green fur. Although it is ostentatious as all get out, I love it. I love it soooooooo much that I decided to where my black turtleneck and black plants so the pin becomes the ultimate focus of today's ensemble. And that, my friends, is what my Great Great Aunt Bea would do.
The Wear:
Brooch: All That Glitters
Turtleneck: Mossimo
Camisole: Forever 21?
Pants: Merona Fit 2
Shoes: Dansko Clogs (it's doing the wintry mix thing so I need to wear "sensible" shoes.)
The Where:
The office, preschool pickup, Qdoba for dinner with boy, Target for diapers, home and hopefully early bedtime as the young one is not feeling well, like me, and woke up at too early o'clock and wanted us to "Please stand UP!"
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